My 15 Minutes, Reading God's Word

My 15 Minutes

Not so long ago I gave you a challenge. Do you remember what it was?

15 minutes

Let me give you a hint: 15 Minutes.

I challenged you to nourish your soul before you nourished your body. I challenged you to read your Bible for 15 minutes every morning for a month. (read more about the challenge here)

Have you started?

How’s it going?

What obstacles are getting in your way?

rucola-young-argula-sproutus.jpgWhenever we commit to reading God’s Word, Satan strives to derail our efforts. He sneaks in to snatch away the seeds of Truth before they can germinate and take root. He throws obstacles in our path and tries to convince us we don’t have the time. His goal is to make us stop before we start or rob us of our momentum once we begin. Don’t let him get away with it.

You’re not alone.

This past month, I’ve faced severe migraines and vertigo which make it impossible to read. (I’ve never had vertigo before now.) I also chaperoned my son’s action-packed orchestra trip to Seattle for several days. During my time there I didn’t get my 15 minutes in before breakfast. However, I determined not to beat myself up with this and let Satan make me feel guilty. I chose to pick it up again the next day or to take my 15 minutes before lunch, dinner, or bed.

Like you, I’ve also faced busyness, oversleeping, overloaded schedules, and life. However, I choose to stay consistent. 15 minutes isn’t that much time. But those 15 minutes have made a HUGE difference in my day, perspective, and outlook. Those 15 minutes have changed me and continue to change me.

My point:

  • Don’t give up!
  • Keep working at it!
  • Stay consistent!
  • Pray through your obstacles!
  • Claim Ephesians 1:19-21!
    • I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms. Now he is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else—not only in this world but also in the world to come.

Use the power of the Holy Spirit which is IN you to stand up to Satan. This is THE SAME POWER THAT RAISED JESUS FROM THE DEAD!  Tell the Devil to get behind you, to back off, to go to hell.

It’s worth it. I promise.



I shared with you that these 15 minutes have given me what I need to maneuver through my day.

But I have not shared how those 15 minutes have opened my eyes to how God is moving in my life and the lives of those around me. I have not shared how these 15 minutes are enhancing my ministry. I have not shared how these 15 minutes have made The Word become more Vibrantly Relevant than ever. But I will.

I will periodically be writing My 15 Minutes blog posts to share how Scripture is jumping off the page and into my life.

How the Spirit is taking the living and active Word of God and applying it to my circumstances, challenges, and victories. Please share your stories and testimonies too. I will be happy to post some on my blog. I’ve always believed we learn best from each other.

My purpose in doing this is to encourage you to engage with God’s Word. To actively interact with it so that it becomes real to you; so that it becomes your life-breath. I am jealous for you to experince God like never before in the Scriptures and to have an explosion of faith.

My 15 Minutes

Hebrews 4.13I chose to begin my 15 Minute Challenge in Matthew because I wanted to reread the gospels with a fresh heart. God may have you do the same or take you someplace completely different. That’s ok.

Before I read each day, I pray some variation of this:

Precious Savior, please teach me. Help me read Your Word like I am reading it for the first time. Give me insight and wisdom to understand and apply what I’m reading. Unlock and open my mind. Search my heart; reveal and remove anything not pleasing to you. May Your Truth abide in me and may I be deeply rooted in it so I can bear fruit that glorifies You.

I don’t want to neglect or reject what the Spirit has taught me in the past, nor do I want familiarity to rob me of riches waiting to be gleaned.

I don’t want to miss anything with a ho-hum, here-we-go-again attitude. There’s still so much to absorb and apply!

I love God’s Word! I find everything about it to be thrilling! When I open His Holy Scriptures, I expect a new word from Him. A fresh word—even if it comes from well-known, much-loved passages. And you know what, sometimes those fresh words come from truths I’ve already learned and understood because Jesus reminds me they still apply to my daily life. They’re still Vibrantly Relevant.

I’m confident he will do the same for you.


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