Follow Friday, Guest Post

Follow Friday!! Michelle Bengtson

follow friday

Michelle and I met through Facebook and have become prayer partners.

She is an amazing woman of integrity and joy who practices what she preaches, even as she battles cancer. She knows what it is for Satan to steal your joy and to get it back again through the strength and power of the hope that only Jesus Christ offers.

Michelle is honest, sincere, and real as this blog post reveals. I can’t wait to hear how it resonates with you.

Comparison is something I’ve wrestled with my entire life–from childhood until now. In all areas of my life–educations, athletics, appearance, and writing. It’s held me back, fed my insecurities, and even eroded my own joy. But Michelle’s wise and encouraging words gave me hope as she leveled the playing field for everyone, negating the need to compare.


Author, speaker, and board-certified clinical neuropsychologist, Dr. Michelle Bengtson knows pain and despair firsthand and combines her professional expertise and personal experience with her faith to address issues surrounding medical and mental disorders, both for those who suffer and for those who care for them. She offers sound practical tools, affirms worth, and encourages faith. Dr. Michelle Bengtson offers hope as a key to unlock joy and relief—even in the middle of the storm. She is the author of the award-winning “Hope Prevails: Insights From a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression” and the award-winning “Hope Prevails Bible Study.” She blogs regularly on her own site:

For more hope, stay connected with her at:

To order Hope Prevails:




Twitter: (@DrMBengtson)






To order Hope Prevails from Amazon: short link:

To order Hope Prevails Bible Study from Amazon  short link:


4 thoughts on “Follow Friday!! Michelle Bengtson”

  1. Jeanne, I think most people struggle with this (whether they will admit it or not). The very best thing we can do is know who we are and whose we are, by being in the Word and knowing exactly what God says. And it behooves us to surround ourselves with those who will speak life into us, and who we can encourage with truth. (And I too love spending some time drinking in Ephesians). Thanks so much for your consistent support.

  2. I am studying and writing on Ephesians too. The richness of chapter one—WHOSE we are and WHO we are in Christ blows me away. “A gift so no one can boast”.

    This is what I LOVE LOVE LOVE about these Follow Friday posts! Edification. Encouragement. Others being blessed. It fills my heart with so much joy! 🧡

  3. Michelle and Cheyenne,
    This topic is close to my heart because I also struggle with the comparison trap. I think as women we are prone to it. So my remedy has been dwelling in Ephesians chapter one and speaking its truth, to myself and to others whom I minister to. And, we need to remind one another of our worth. And that’s what your message did for me today. Thanks for that!!

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