Follow Friday, Guest Post, Jesus in Everyday Life

Sharing Sunday: Cassia Elder

Hey Guys! I’m sorry I wasn’t able to get this together for Follow Friday this week. But I didn’t want to wait any longer to introduce you to Cassia and her NEW BOOK!!!

Cassia Elder is a speaker, women’s ministry leader, and author of the book Make Me a Blessing. She is passionate about writing and is a nerd for God’s Word. Her cup is filled by connecting with women and sharing the practical application of Biblical truth. Cassia lives with her husband and son on a nearly-off-grid microfarm in Southern Indiana.

Cassia’s debut book Make Me a Blessing explains how “Your ordinary life can have eternal impact.” Make Me a Blessing is now available on Amazon.

Blessed to be a Blessing

July 22, 2019Cassia Elder

Several years ago, I was just a few rough chapters into writing my book Make Me a Blessing when I read this blog post: “Why I am not saying ‘I’m blessed’ anymore.” The article talked about excess and material greed and how people with less feel left out when people with more use the word blessed. I immediately started to panic. “Oh no, I have to rewrite the entire book. But the whole premise is that we are blessed to be a blessing. And the Scripture is all verses about blessing. The word blessing is literally in the name of the book. What in the world am I even going to say now? Maybe I should just throw the whole thing out!” I am so grateful that God brought me to my senses.

We. Are. Blessed. God’s Word says that we are blessed. He says that He is the One who has blessed us. Who are we to refuse to say that we are who God says we are and that what God says about us is true?

The word blessed does get tossed around flippantly. It has become so overused and misused, dwindled down to merely express being fortunate, lucky. #FeelingBlessed! But we cannot let the fact that the world has hijacked the word blessed keep us from speaking the truth. The remedy is not to stop acknowledging that God has blessed us for fear it may hurt someone else’s feelings. We just have to redeem the word blessed, return its original meaning, come back to the root of what it is to be blessed.
So what does blessing really look like? What does it mean to be blessed? What are the practical ways for us to be a blessing in our everyday lives?

Blessing is a free, unmerited gift from God. And isn’t that every good thing in our lives? Our time, our talent, our treasure. Our health and relationships. Every good and perfect gift is from Him. We have never earned or deserved anything, but our Father delights in blessing us! He does not bless us all the same way, because God treats us like the individuals He created us to be.


My book Make Me a Blessing redeems the meaning of the word blessed, by looking at it in light of God’s Word. It acknowledges how blessed we are, and reminds us of the reason why.

We are blessed to be a blessing.

Genesis 12:2 “And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.”

Make Me a Blessing 

Blessings, xoxo


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