Jesus in Everyday Life, Knowing God, Pause, Reading God's Word, Repent, Surrender to Jesus, Trusting God

God Is Not Surprised By This: What if…?

Hey my friend, how can I pray for you today?

Are you coping or thriving?

Existing or excelling?

Wasting your time or investing it well?

Pretending or preparing?

I ask because when Covid-19 first came on our radar, the internet was flooded with funny memes and jokes. Videos of people playing battleship across courtyards and musicians having jam sessions on balconies filled our feeds. The first week we were quarantined, it was boardgames, puzzles, and popcorn with Netflix and baking sessions in-between. We laughed and kidded each other, making the best of our extended spring breaks and unplanned “vacations.” Figuring things would be back to normal in two weeks.

Turns out, we were kidding ourselves.

While many of us didn’t initially take this situation very seriously, this virus spread rapidly, aggressively. The sick started dying. And then the gravity of this pandemic become real. Very real.

Then in an effort to stop the virus, or at least flatten the curve…

  • Schools and universities closed and all learning moved online.
  • “Unessential” businesses closed, forcing millions to work from home and millions more to apply for unemployment.
  • Church doors closed, obligating small groups and worship services to happen on our screens.
  • Movie theaters, bars, and fitness centers locked their doors for the foreseeable future.
  • Restaurants and coffee shops either shutdown or transitioned to curbside pickup and take out.
  • Concerts, conferences, trade shows, and sporting events were either canceled or indefinitely postponed.
  • Summer camps, sports, and vacations are either scrapped or in limbo while public beaches and pools are out of commission for the summer.
  • Suggested gathering sizes dwindled from 100 to 50 to 0 and stay at home orders and community lock-downs became our reality.

And just-like-that, our normal was obliterated.

Our future is uncertain.

And as time progresses, it’s becoming readily apparent our future normal isn’t going to look like our old normal.

But is that a bad thing?

What if…during this time, things that needed to change, do?

What if we chose to humble ourselves before our Savior who not only humbled Himself when He took on flesh, but humbled Himself to the cross?

What if we fell on our face before Jesus, praying earnestly—focused solely on Him and not the clock?

What if we poured out all our hurt, pain, confusion, anxiety, complacency, selfishness, pride, arrogance, self-sufficiency, ____________ at the foot of the cross and let His blood wash it all away, as far as the east is from the west?

What if we allowed ourselves to be wrung out? Emptied of anything that doesn’t honor Him?

What if we allowed Him to reach down and heal our brokenness? To refresh and restore us?

What if our laments turned into profound, heartfelt, authentic praise and worship?

What if we ask Him for a vibrant passion for His Word, a hunger that’s never satisfied…and He gives it to us?

What if we turned “everything” up-side-down searching for Him like we do when we lose our phone?

What if we experience relief, peace, and assurance when we’ve found Him? And then cling to Him more tightly?

What if we faced our sin, called it what it is, and determined to turn and walk away from it, into His arm?

What if we fell in love with our God all over again, followed Him, and did His will until the day He brings us home?

What if…

Beloved, over this past fall and winter I learned these lessons. It took me several months to get over my stubbornness and humble myself before Jesus, to invite Him to wring me out. And you know what, He was faithful. H followed through with His promise and heard my cries from heaven. He forgave my sin and restored me. I haven’t been the same since, nor has my faith. Let the Lord be praised!

I’m confident He will do the same for you, your family, church, community, and our land.

Jesus, I’m on my face before you pouring our all my cares and worries. Handing over my anxieties and sin. Jesus, it’s been so long since I’ve come to you naked, vulnerable, exposed. I’m afraid. Uncertain. Help me in my unbelief. But I think you that I’m safe where you are. Oh, my precious Savior I have sinned against you and I seek your forgiveness and restoration, I have_______________ and I struggle with __________________…(Finish in your own words)

Blessings, xoxo


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5 thoughts on “God Is Not Surprised By This: What if…?”

  1. Thank you! Your words bless me so. And encourage me. I am praying you will experience and know Jesus is a much deeper way through this. xoxo

  2. I am seeing the same things, Jeanne.When I take the dos out in the morning, the air is filled with their joyful songs. When I look out the window I see the last of the snow disappearing, the ice go out on the lake, and crocus come up in the garden. And I can here Jesus whisper, I’m still here. Trust Me. Hugs my sweet friend!

  3. Beautifully written! I love your blogs. Thank you for sharing your faith and using your writing talent to bless us.

  4. Yes, very real. I was thinking this morning that life has come to a halt all over the world, but when I look outside, nature continues to come alive. Spring bulbs reach for the sun, birds are returning home, the days are getting longer, and hope lives.
    Thanks for your post.

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