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Take 5: God Will Give You the Desire and Power To Do What Pleases Him

Is it possible to take pleasure in your work?


We often go to work dreading what the day holds. Dreading being with the people we work with (even if we’re self-employed). Dreading the tasks, challenges, and demands we’re about to come face-to-face with.

But we can change our attitude when we determine to re-adjust our perspective and work to serve and honor God first and our bosses second—even if your boss is you.

When our work becomes as act of worship, the purpose of our work changes, as does our attitude and quality of our work. We’re empowered to cast off the selfishness, pride, and entitlement that’s associated with our dread and instead, embrace the joy of the Lord and the hope of our salvation—eternal life with Jesus.

What a powerful way to shine brightly for Christ!

Imagine how the quality of our work would improve

If we make a daily deliberate decision to obey God and serve others as we do our work

If we spend quality time in His Word and prayer first, putting our work/day under His authority

If we not only follow Jesus, but choose to work as He worked—focused on God first, then people

If we work hard, with excellence and efficiency—putting in 110% effort

If we work with humility—not seeking recognition from people but from God; enjoying any praise or accolades from people as His blessing

If we allow God to guide our steps, words, and actions

If we focus our attention and devotion fully on Christ so we aren’t distracted

Then, I believe, we’ll be able to enjoy our work throughly regardless of any extraneous circumstances because the joy of the Lord will indeed be our strength. Our joy will start in our heart, flowing from our relationship with God and be fueled by our hope of spending eternity with Him.

And our rest? It will be that much sweeter.

Jesus, today I invite You in, give You control, and ask You to purify my attitude towards my work. Empower me to (want to) realign my focus to You as I place my work and day under your authority. May my work be acceptable to You as an act of worship and praise. Please bless my efforts and help me remember You are working in me, giving me the desire and the power to do what pleases You.



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