Site icon Vibrant Relevance Ministries

Meet Cheyenne

Wife. Mom.

Mentor. Teacher. Friend.


You’re here! I am so happy to meet you! Please take a seat and allow me to share a little of my story with you, why I started this blog, and what my future goals are for this site, publishing, and you.

Me and My Fam ~

I’m a simple Minnesota girl, fueled by coffee with a side of chocolate. I love being outside on, in, or by the lake and am a complete plant nerd. I’m passionate about Jesus and His Word and desire to ignite that passion in you and help strengthen your resolve to follow Him. I write from my heart, experiences, and lessons He has taught me along the way. I share my highs and lows; victories and struggles in hopes to encourage you to grow your relationship with Jesus.

My man has a library of puns and dad jokes stored in his brain—ready to pull them out whenever the opportunity arises (or doesn’t arise). Thad has a creative engineering mind and continually challenges me to see things from a vastly different perspective than my norm. But his creative mind challenges me Thad’s sense of humor keeps me laughing—and groaning; I can’t imagine anyone better suited for me.

Our four boys are as distinctly different as the four points of a compass. They each have their own distinct personality, likes, dislike, sports, senses of humor, and interests. Being their mom is one of the greatest joys of my life. They often teach me and refine me—encouraging me to be a better person. They keep me alert with their wit, broad interests, mischief, and curious minds.  But more often than not, they have me laughing, at or with them—haha, and thankful that they are mine.

Story ~

I grew up in the Church.

I did Sunday school, VBS, midweek church, and youth group. I went to Bible camp, attended retreats and conferences, and participated in various mission trips. I knew the Bible stories, asked Jesus into my heart at an early age and believed in God.

BUT it wasn’t until 2004…

…while going through the healing process from repressed memories of sexual abuse, that I started to BELIEVE God.

During this dark time, I groped for Light, Truth, Hope, and Healing. Then my Savior scooped me up in His arms and made me a promise: “I know you feel shattered. Gutted. Empty. Lost. Abandoned. But if you follow me, I will take you down to your foundation and reinforce it. Then I will rebuild you and make you new. All the while, I will give you a heart that beats for Me.”

I had no idea what He meant, but I wanted to be made new. Stronger. I wanted to be whole. Functional. From my hopeless pit of depression and despair, I was desperate for healing. I craved a purpose. I needed to matter. And I wanted to feel alive—my heart beating again.

I surrendered.

Over the next few years, I developed a voracious appetite for His Word. I didn’t realize how malnourished I was! That I was literally starving for the sustenance of His Word. But reading it wasn’t enough. I needed more. I loaded up on Bible study aids and commentaries, listened to various teachers, and participated in a women’s Bible study group. And my faith exploded! As I learned, I healed. As I studied, I grew stronger—and yet, I also softened.

Fast forward—Spring 2014.

Camron and Tyler (14 & 11) asked to go to LifeWay to get their own Bible studies. I was thrilled! MOM WIN!! But after much hunting, we were finally led to a handful of youth Bible studies. On a small shelf. In the children’s section. Next to the board books.

None of them were what my boys were looking for. The wanted depth. To be challenged intellectually and spiritually. And ended up in the men’s section.

All the way home I fumed. Grumbled. Complained.

I couldn’t believe how little there was to offer them and how fluffy it was. What was there was not for high school or middle school students, but elementary aged students.

And when I searched out studies geared to the college girls I was mentoring—there was NOTHING! This generation is leaving the church in droves and not looking back. (45-60%) Imagine the trickle down effect??

Oh, I worked myself up into a lather.

Then my grumbling reached God’s ears.

“You’re right; there’s not. You write one.”

Incredulous, I burst out laughing! “That’s a good one. I’m sorry your number cannot be completed as dialed, please hang up and try again.” And I wiped the tears off my cheeks as I went on my merry little way, reveling in God’s sense of humor.

However, I soon discovered—He wasn’t kidding.

As Summer turned up the heat, so did God.

Then God, tired of my whining, excuses, and arguing, reminded me of our covenant ten years earlier.

During one week in mid-November, I heard, read, and was sent no less than 15 different messages on that Parable of the Talents. Each one convicted me to the core and destroyed every excuse I threw at Him.

But God saved the best for last. While sitting among my small group girls on our youth ministry night, He obliterated my final objections—leaving me with nothing but obedience. He perfectly aimed each word directly into my heart until I was shaking uncontrollably.

“In case you missed it, I’m not kidding.”

That night I surrendered and started writing devotionals for my girls and others I was mentoring/discipling.

As I wrote, God knitted together my passion for people (especially students), His Word, teaching, discipleship, and Biblical literacy.

And slowly His design started to take shape.

Where He is leading me is still not 100% known, but I know as long as I follow Him I’m going the right way.

In 2017

In 2018

My ambition is to I reveal Scripture’s Vibrant Relevance to your day-to-day life. To show you how to break down the barriers of time, culture, and language so you can engage with God’s Word and revel in its teaching. I’m desperate to share my hunger for Jesus and His Word. And to light your torch with the same passion as you progress in your faith walk.

My goals for this website/blog,

publishing, and you~


My primary goal with this website/blog is to facilitate your growing relationship with Jesus Christ through devotionals and talking about life issues.

See, language changes, culture changes, technology changes, but people don’t change—people are changeless. So the same Scriptures that applied 2000+ years ago are relevant now no matter what your challenges are.

My secondary goal is to direct you to other excellent resources, teacher, authors to this site to better equip you in your faith.

I look forward to reading your comments and creating God-honoring discussions.

Also, if a post encourages you, blessed you, etc. let me know by a comment or a like. And if you believe it will do the same for someone else, please share it on your social media or via email.


As I already mentioned, I am writing a Bible study with more to come.

I am stepping out in obedience in pursuing publication. Harvest House Publishers has my first book proposal. I would appreciate your prayers that this will turn into a long lasting, mutually edifying relationship. I’m BIG on relationships, so this having a solid relationship with my publisher, agent, editor, etc. is very important to me.

I am still looking for an agent to represent me, not just my Bible Studies. Please pray for this as well.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.


You are why I write.

You are the reason I study so hard.

You are my inspiration.

My goal for you is that the Bible will be Vibrantly Relevant in your day-to-day life!

That you will learn how to study it and engage with it; and in the process, fall in love with your Savior.

Please, ask questions. If I don’t know the answer I will do what I can to find it for you. If you have a good resource to share, let me know. I strive to be Biblically correct over politically correct because as culture and politics change, God’s everlasting Truth does not.

Also, if this site blesses you, please share it with friends and family and encourage them to join our family. I look forward to meeting you and growing with you.

In Him who first loved us,

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