My Story, Surrender to Jesus, Trusting God

Musings on 2018. “TRUST Me.” & Top 5 Blog Posts.

2018 is gone. With all it’s highs and lows. Blessings and challenges. Victories and disappointments. When you look back over the year, what do you see? What thoughts are running through your mind? Emotions coursing through your heart? What is your attitude about saying goodbye to 2018? Good Riddance! I’m out. Bittersweet Laced with sadness.… Continue reading Musings on 2018. “TRUST Me.” & Top 5 Blog Posts.

My Publishing Journey, My Story

So How DO You Support a Writer, Anyway?

This post was originally a Facebook Live video, but I had several people ask me to post it so they could share it with their readers or print it off. I left it in outline format to make it easier to find subheadings. How DO you support a writer? The answers are not as intuitive… Continue reading So How DO You Support a Writer, Anyway?

Jesus in Everyday Life

When We Feel Emotional

Have you ever gotten into a project only to discover it was like an iceberg—more massive than you could have ever imagined? And the more you got into the project, the more you realized just how extensive it was? That’s me right now. Books litter my office floor. Tabs are opened all over my screens.… Continue reading When We Feel Emotional

Jesus in Everyday Life, My Story, PromisedLand, Your Purpose

Ask For God’s Best and Give Him Your Best

  Sometimes my kids are smarter than I am. I don’t mean in the academic sense—although, that’s true in the math department. What I mean is, there are times my children teach me about being wise and resilient. About giving something my best effort, even if it’s a long shot. About putting myself out there… Continue reading Ask For God’s Best and Give Him Your Best

Jesus in Everyday Life, My Story

A Season of Refinement

The fire. The heat. It’s unbearable. I’m not sure I can endure it. Will it consume me? Will I survive? Will I come out on the other side intact? I can feel the fear welling up inside me. The uncertainty. The dread. I know I’ve asked God to remove everything in me that’s not honoring… Continue reading A Season of Refinement

31 Day Challenge 2017, Jesus in Everyday Life, PromisedLand

Day 21 of 31 Days of Seeing Jesus In Your Daily Life: The Simple Things

Yesterday morning I had the joy of sleeping in. It was the first time in weeks I didn’t have to get up early and hustle out the door to accomplish some early morning task. It was cold and rainy outside, and my bed was warm and cozy--offering to be my companion for the day. And… Continue reading Day 21 of 31 Days of Seeing Jesus In Your Daily Life: The Simple Things

Jesus in Everyday Life, My Story

I AM Your Shield

Do you ever feel depleted? Broken? Exhausted? Like you have failed—again? Come before Jesus and lay it at his feet. Let the Great I AM be your shield, your safe place. Let Him restore you from your brokenness, hurt, and shame.

Devotionals, My Story, Reflect

I Was In A Mood

Ever have one of those days? You know what I mean, those days you wake a mood. The attitude you went to bed with steeped all night to produce a potent concoction. It’s not just a grumpy mood quickly fixed by a cup of coffee. No, this mood has the power to take your… Continue reading I Was In A Mood